Directions for SASNET - Swedish South Asian Studies Network, Lund University:
From 1 January 2010, SASNET is only funded by Lund University. The national board was dissolved on 30 September 2010.
On the same date, SASNET’s directions – see below – ceased to be in force.
New directions will hopefully come into force during 2011, after a Lund University reorganisation of SASNET.
Directions issued by the Vice-Chancellor, Lund University, on 2001-06-07 (dnr I D 9 2830/2001).
Revised on 2008-10-23 (dnr RÄ 2008/410); and on 2009-05-07 (dnr LS 2009/244).
SASNET is a national network for research, education, and
information about South Asia. The aim is to encourage and promote an open
and dynamic networking process, in which Swedish researchers co-operate
with researchers in South Asia and globally. The network is open to all
sciences. Priority is given to co-operation between disciplines and across
faculties, as well as institutions in the Nordic countries and in South
Asia. The basic idea is that South Asian studies will be most fruitfully
pursued in co-operation between researchers, working in different institutions
with a solid base in their mother disciplines.
A network root node will be based at Lund University. The
network root node will operate an Internet gateway for interaction and
information on South Asian studies. The network root node will initiate,
stimulate, and support South Asian studies at Lund University and within
Öresund University.
1. The main tasks of the network are to:
in various ways initiate, stimulate, and support research co-operation
via planning and programme grants for networking (e.g., meetings, travel,
visit of guest researchers, co-ordination, etc.)
in various ways initiate, stimulate, and support academic South
Asian studies in Sweden, or studies relevant to South Asia, e.g., via
grants for networking in developing undergraduate and graduate courses
in Sweden and the Nordic countries, if possible in partnership with
universities in South Asia
encourage PhD studies specialising on South Asia, including networking
among single research students in institutions that do not specialise
on South Asia
promote student and researcher exchange between Sweden (the Nordic
countries) and South Asia
build an information system for South Asian studies in partnership
with academic and public institutions, media, business communities,
and NGOs
contribute to co-ordination of consultations between researchers
and different public institutions, business organisations, and NGOs
2. The board
SASNET will be led by a board consisting of 9-11 persons
Lund University (3)
Other universities and university colleges in Sweden (4)
Universities and university colleges in the other Nordic countries
PhD candidates
Business organisations and NGOs
Deputy members may be appointed for each category.
The vice-chancellor
appoints the chairperson, the members and deputy members. However, the members representing students, especially PhD candidates, is appointed according to existing rules and regulations, see * below.
The mandate
period for the board members is three years, execept in the case of the student representatives for whom the mandate period is one year.
At the time of elections for a new board, the board
will appoint an election committee with a majority of members from outside
the board. The election committee will put forward candidates to the vice-chancellor.
The board will direct all activities including decisions
about the distribution of grants to various activities and networking
programmes in accordance with the aims of the network. Larger grants are
to be distributed after due applications and assessment by a reference
group of established scholars in the field.
3. Network root node
The network root node is led by a director (co-ordinator).
The vice-chancellor, advised by the board, will appoint a director for
a period of three years. The appointment may be renewed.
The director (co-ordinator) will organise the meetings of
SASNETs board and manage the work at the root node. The co-ordinator
will plan and carry out various activities in close collaboration with
the board, the co-ordinators of SASNET supported programmes, as well as
South Asian, Swedish and international network partners. Granted the idea
of an open and dynamic network of activities, the directors main
role should be that of a broker, connecting people and resources, starting
up new activities and supporting the programme co-ordinators in their
The director (co-ordinator) should be a highly qualified
South Asia researcher, university teacher, supervisor, administrator and
programme-builder, with well-established research contacts in, and familiarity
with, the South Asian region. Experience of work in a research council
is desirable.
The network root node is responsible for running SASNETs
information and communication system.
4. Reference group of South Asian Researchers
SASNET will establish association with a reference group
of South Asian researchers, with whom the root node and the board will
consult about SASNETs aims and activities. The reference group will
function as an advisory and evaluative body and should have at least five
but not more than ten members. The communication between the members of
the reference group and SASNET should primarily take place through modern
communication technology.
5. Finance
SASNET is financed by annual grants from Sida, grants from
Lund University, and from any other grants that SASNET may receive from
other funding bodies for short or long term projects and programmes.
6. Institutional affiliation
SASNET belongs to the division of Special Activities of Lund University. SASNET may be moved to
any faculty at the University by decision of the vice-chancellor.
7. Work report
SASNET will submit an annual work report.
8. Monitoring
SASNETs activities are to be evaluated at the end of each three-year
period (the mandate for the board and the director).
9. Any changes of these directions
will be stipulated by the vice-chancellor on the advice of the board
or following consultation with the board.
* Ledamot som är studentrepresentant ska, enligt 1 kap. 7 § högskoleförordningen (1993:100) utses i den ordning som föreskrivs i 16 § förordningen (1983:18) om studentkårer, nationer och studentföreningar vid universitet och högskolor. Vid Lunds universitet gäller att studentrepresentanter utses av LUS.
SASNET - Swedish South Asian Studies Network/Lund
Address: Scheelevägen 15 D, SE-223 70 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 222 73 40
Webmaster: Lars Eklund
Last updated