The EU-India Think Tank Seminar, 15-16 October 2002, in Brussels:
first Summit between the European Union and India in Lisbon in June 2000
called for increased dialogue between civil society in India and the EU.
The Agenda for Action agreed upon at the Summit specifically provides
for the creation of a network of think tanks. The EU-India Think Tank
Seminar, sponsored by the European Commission at the initiative of the
Right Honourable Christopher Patten, European Commissioner for External
Relations, was the initial stage in this effort.
The seminar in Brussels on October, 1516, 2001, was lead by David
Foquet from the European Institute
for Asian Studies and by Laurence Argimon-Pristre, Head of
unit, India, Bhutan & Nepal, European Commission. Among the
prominent keynote speakers were:
On the EU side, Member States had nominated on average two
leading think tanks each to participate at the seminar. The Indian Ministry
of External Affairs has for its part nominated a wide range of leading
institutions from India with expertise in the themes selected for the
seminar. The aim of the seminar was to contribute to raising the profile
and level of exchanges between the EU and India through enhanced involvement
of think tanks.
Four simultaneous working sessions enabled the participating
think tanks to identify common strands and differences in their research
and analysis. Major cross-cutting themes had been selected which are of
key importance for both the European Union and India.
• Federalism and Decentralisation entailed an examination of
current trends and prospects, including also of the possible relevance
for India of the special experience of evolving European integration.
The central theme for this comparative session was supposed to be the
changing character of federal government as well as the dynamics of
decentralisation observed both in various EU Member States and in India.
• Global Energy Challenges tried to draw out geopolitical aspects
of energy security both for India/South Asia and EU/Europe. Joint analysis
could look at the economic, environment, scientific and geo-political
aspects of Indias and the EUs energy security and its political
and strategic implications.
• Global Security Challenges considered the New Millenium security
challenges, both from a regional and international perspective. The
implications for Asia of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)
as well as the shifts in the balance of power within Asia as a central
focus of discussion.
• Governance and Democratic Traditions examined the growing
role of civil society in both the EU and India in the design and deliverance
of democratic decision-making. The session addressed issues such as
transparency, rule of law, legal protection, political and civil rights
At their respective working sessions, think tanks were invited
to present their work programmes relevant to these themes and possible
fresh project ideas for follow-up.
The proceedings of the seminar will be published, including abstracts
of the presentation by the think tanks. EU Member States have expressed
their interest in the recommendations and conclusions that emerge from
the seminar.
The seminar will provide a platform for co-operation between
think tanks and is expected to provide vital inputs and guidance in the
elaboration of a fully-fledged EU-India Think Tank Network Programme in
the near future. It is also foreseen that until this programme (open to
think tanks without distinction as to whether they have participated or
not in the seminar) becomes fully operational, some think tank projects
could be supported by a small project facility that is expected to be
operational next year.
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