As you all know, the purpose of this workshop is to prepare
a common plan of action for SASNET. That is what we would like to brainstorm
about in this final session. Now that we have an organisation, what are
we going to do? I am sure that we, after two days of discussions, know
a little bit more about what SASNET is and is trying to do, and that there
are situations in which we have to make certain choices. I will just make
two observations before I leave the word to you.
First thing, there is a greeting from Willis Forsling from Luleå.
He said We are so happy about SASNET, but please do
not involve us in politics. We have very good relationships in South Asia.
If we are supported by you, and you get into difficulties what will then
happen to us and our programme? As far as I can see, the only sound
conclusion from this is that SASNET is a big network with a lot a of smaller
networks within the network. We will have different relationships to different
networks within the network. Each network of researchers will have its
own set of problems, politically and otherwise, and there has to be decentralisation.
Each network, that is, each programme must handle their political relations
in a particular way. It is very difficult for SASNET to have a general
policy for all networks. This is one very important thing.
Secondly, we have to keep in mind that we are not only an
association of South Asian scholars in Sweden, or South Asia related researchers,
but in a way we are also a 'mediator' between government money, university
money and researchers. So our first task is to help, promote, initiate,
stimulate, and that means we are getting involved with people and try
to help. But sometimes we will face the situation that for various reasons
we can not give any money for a particular project. Then we all have to
learn how to collectively handle a situation where there is frustration,
in order to become stronger in the future.
But where are we standing now? Are we in a situation where
we have to pick one out of 100 alternatives, or are we in a situation
where we can pick many different alternatives. Just take the good old
story about the meeting between the old presidents Bush, Gorbachov
and Mitterand 10 years ago. It was a top conference, and they gathered
in a separate room to have a private conversation. After a while Bush
said to the two others: I have a terrible problem, that is among
my 100 security guards one of them is supposed to be a terrorist, but
the problem is I do not which one of them it is. Mitterand said
something similar, and then finally Gorbatchov looked at the other presidents
and said I do not think you really have any problem at all. I have
100 economic advisers, they are more or less useless, but one of them
is supposed to be very good. The problem is I do not know who it is.
I do not know if SASNET is in Gorbachov´s or Bush´s
position; maybe we are somewhere in between. But we need the intellectual
input and continued interaction from all of you, to collectively make
it a success. And we need to be very efficient in connecting people to
each other, and creating harmonious relationships in a number of ways.
So now I leave the word open for comments. It means reflecting
upon SASNET given the experiences of these two days.
Kjell Härenstam:
About connecting people: I feel very strongly for doing
studies for different purposes. If I take our project in Karlstad, it
is very much a learning project, where we learn to get better information
for teaching in Swedish schools. We rely very much upon our Indian friends,
that is very essential. If SASNET could be this network connecting people,
and also as GrahamChapman said making informal connections,
it would mean a lot. You can meet people by chance and we can make something
out of it.
Pamela Price:
I have one question. What are the long-term goals of SASNET?
One might say that one long-term goal of SASNET is to stay funded. But
apart from that, is SASNET oriented mainly towards staying as it is now,
facilitating people who are already in positions, or is it trying to build
a base for strong South Asian studies/research in the future.
Rana P B Singh:
I can add two more words on what Pamela mentioned.
Let us also add the concepts of understanding a mutual understanding,
in a wider sense than just research, and help to South Asian scholars.
Staffan Lindberg:
It is worth to think about. The idea is that there are already
a lot of activities going on in Sweden, very competent research in many
different places. That is why we suggested the idea of a network supporting
all if possible, rather than concentrating all efforts to Lund, Göteborg
or Uppsala, and recruiting new people from Lund and Uppsala to Göteborg
for example, or the other way round. The idea is instead to support people
in their disciplinary environments, but connecting them in different kinds
of networks.
But we must also think about the future. There is a proposition
that we should organise a conference for PhD candidates next year, and
I think this will be very important, because of the demographic change
that is going on in Sweden, Eastern Europe and other places. There are
less students at the universities than a few years ago. Now the universities
are running around, of course they can not get help from police, to catch
students. Please come and study at Lund, Växjö or whatever university.
There is a shortage of students, and if there is a shortage of students
they will go for the best offers. It is not the best good offer to start
learn a new language or travel to another continent. It takes much more
time to become a good scholar in let say Indian studies or Sri Lankan
studies, because of a number of additional things you have to learn and
you have to do. So in that sense we are in a disadvantaged position.
We have only one very strong advantage, at least in the
field of Development studies, and that is that SAREC for many years has
given about 50 per cent of its funding to doctoral students. That is unique.
It has not been possible for many years, for example in the Swedish research
councils to get funding for doctoral students. They have just been seen
as an appendix to senior research projects, they have not been allowed
to have their own independent research projects.
There is going to be a lot of competition to attract students. We have
to be very conscious about this and promote masters and doctoral studies.
As I said already last night, there has been a development of new courses.
The masters' course developed in Uppsala will start this semester, and
the Centre for Asian Studies in Göteborg now also covers South Asian
content in their courses at the under-graduate level. And Lund University
has started an undergraduate course in Indian and South Asian studies
at Österlen Folk High School, a course which surely would not have
come about had it not been for SASNET. Many things happen as a result
of collecting people together.
Hans Blomquist:
I want to add a few things to what you told about the masters
course starting at Uppsala, including one year of Hindi studies, which
I am quite proud of. The students will get the capacity to speak an Indian
language to an extent that my generation does not have. That is very important.
The second point I want to make is about the choices that Staffan
emphasised. It is important which choices we make. SASNET has after all
a very limited budget, so out of the many good suggestions that has come
up during these last two days on what SASNET should do it is important
to make choices, now and not after six years. Otherwise we may end up
in a situation where a majority of people involved are frustrated because
they expected more than was possible to realise.
Staffan Lindberg:
In order to avoid frustration, what do we prefer
a njet immediately, or that a decision is being tried in a
reference group or some other form to find out what kind of help is needed.
There are other ways of getting help than from SASNET, other funding sources
to link up with if you have some knowledge about the context in which
funding of research takes place. Maybe there are not enough SASNET funds,
but there are other funds to be found.
SASNET has been invited to a conference in Brussels, the
IndiaEU Think Tank Conference,
on 1516 October, in which I will take part. I have written to researchers
in Sweden dealing with the four topics we are going to discuss
Federalism and decentralisation; Energy policy; Security; and State and
civil society. Among those I have written to are Hans Blomquist,
Björn Hettne, Rajni Hatti Kaul and Gunnar Jacks.
I have asked them to come up with ideas, and I have sent their views to
the Think Tank in Brussels. That could mean a new way of funding and getting
new resources, because they are prepared to fund a number of activities
over the coming years. So SASNET is not confined to a very limited sum
of money, but can also build up a store of knowledge in its network on
how to find other funds for projects, and collaborative partners.
Piet Terhal:
It strikes me that this kind of network which you are talking
about is different from the network in which I am involved (the Indo
Dutch Programme on Alternative Development, IDPAD). I feel that the
choice which you are pleading for can’t be escaped from. Somehow
you have to make priorities and choices, and eventually be very clear
about for what specific purposes the choices are made. In addition to
that, you have also a certain position from which you can get additional
channels of information; access to funding, etc. But that is a spin-off
effect of the situation, and not more than that in my view.
Staffan Lindberg:
Both things are very important. As Hans said, we
have to be very clear and give early answers. But the other option is
that we develop contacts with different research funding agencies, this
is not a zero sum game. There may be an expansion of sums allocated for
South Asian research within Sweden, the Nordic countries or the European
Union. It is my hope that it could be like this.
Ron Herring:
These are my hunches as practitioner working as political
scientist that the activities which you have been talking about are very
valuable in connecting people with research opportunities, serving as
a hub on the web, and all these things. It is a very important function,
that all of us who use networks find invaluable. But it will not be very
appreciated by the funding agencies or by people looking at you from the
outside. They will just ask Tell us concretely what you have done?
I draw this experience from the Social
Science Research Council in the U S and the South Asian Council of
the Association for Asian studies.
There are a number of institutions in the U S, which have tried this networking.
For Sida people: I think it would be useful for you politically, in the
funding agencies, to be associated with a very innovating project. That
is, this new network has created a new possibility, a new research project
or new combinations of disciplines, that are clearly associated with SASNET,
and which did not exist before SASNET. Because, concerning other functions,
people will say, yes, yes, we understand you are doing this, but
you need something that is clearly yours, which did not happen without
your intervention. It would be good for you in the long term that
you do both of these things, and the second thing might be important for
your stability, in your growing of strength over time.
Hans Blomquist:
It would be interesting to hear the reaction on this proposition
from Tomas Kjellqvist, Sida.
Tomas Kjellqvist:
Of course we are expecting something new and glorious coming
out of SASNET. But what else could I say?
Pamela Price:
I just want to make a comment on this. In a sense you kill two birds
with one stone. Certainly my impression from Norway is that, even though
we are not in the EU, we have brought in all their educational programmes,
but people are quite disillusioned, because they feel it is extremely
difficult to get funding, especially for social sciences and humanities.
The bureaucracy is dreadful; the old boy, old girl networking is appalling,
but if SASNET could, because it has a concentrated leadership, take a
role in having a project put together to the EU through the EU-India connection
and it would be funded, that would be marvellous.
Hans Blomquist:
I think Ron´s suggestion to promote the project of SASNET
is a superb idea, especially in combination with Pamela´s
idea of promoting PhD students. If we do it on that level it will probably
be easier to get away from the top politics going on between nuts. And
if we can also try to do it as interdisciplinary as possible. If we can
succeed, I think this could be vital for a continuation of SASNET
Graham Chapman:
I am reminded of two things. First about a book, Living on
Thin Air: The New Economy, by a rather lively, modern economist
Charles Leadbeater, who is looking at the value of the new economy.
The other thing is an association in Britain, to which I subscribe, called
Academy of
Learned Societies for the Social Sciences. To belong you must prove
that your organisation fulfils the mission, the aspirations and some other
conditions of learned associations as such.
In the book by Leadbeater is thought about what the value in the networking
society is. The example taken is about NIKE shoes in Scotland. NIKE shoes
do not really exist, except as a string of different production functions
around the World, which ends up somewhere in a box where you buy your
shoes. Quite as franchising. The point is that the value is in the brand.
I am just sort of brainstorming here, but maybe I think in a way you
might have to do nothing. Spend no money. Do not accept established brands.
You have established a brand called SASNET, and then you value it. It
could be a fantastic idea, to spread SASNET over the globe. The people
in South Asia, who might subscribe to the ideal meat-balls standard, you
then invite them to apply for the SASNET logo, and also with institutions
in Sweden, if you find a programme in Sweden that looks good enough to
meet your standards. You could say, you may apply for the SASNET logo.
Then in the end, in a sense, you create value by getting other people
subscribe to your ideals and getting validated by them. It is something
we are trying to do at Lancaster university: there is no central control
saying what is going to happen, but the condition is to be a member, to
wear the badge, to have the logo and you have to subscribe to the values.
That is the condition. If you break the values you get kicked out, but
it is a sort of un-centred network.
Staffan Lindberg:
We have been in contact with people in the IT sector while developing
this idea, and they said exactly the same thing. The main point is that
everybody is led to you on the Net, they should end up with SASNET. There
should be pointers everywhere.
Bo Lindblad:
This relates to what you spoke about the PhD students, and the fact that
SAREC now actually has realised the value of them, which we appreciate
very much. Because if you want quality research you need young investigators,
and a category which is often forgotten is the post-docs. There are two
things about them. I know, both in Pakistan and in Sweden, that there
are many fine post-docs, who suddenly see that they lack a real goal for
their future work, and that they certainly do not have the money. The
other thing about the post-docs, is that if you support them the result
will be much faster than by starting research training from scratch First
of all, let us look at the cadre of post-docs floating around that we
have. It is worth looking around, and I have actually in the project we
are planning for around 78 names here in Sweden, and we certainly
have them in Pakistan. But it is really sad to see people who have a very
fine training in Western countries, and in spite of going back to their
country find themselves so isolated. To promote such research done by
post-docs is, in my opinion, one thing that SASNET can do in a very short
Staffan Lindberg:
PhD students are engaged in training programmes, and can be connected
in a number of ways. The problem concerning post-docs is that so many
talented young researchers receive their PhD, and then they are recruited
to teach as lecturers. And then, at least in the Swedish system, there
has never been any research time for lecturers. Many of them have been
going on for 1520 years, delivering 400 lectures a year. Either
they are worn down by this, ending up with more and more yellow manuscripts
as times go by; or otherwise by some fortunate circumstance, they are
getting some research grant, can take some leave and do some work. They
then qualify for associate professors. But it is a very difficult group
to reach because they are scattered and to help them all would take require
a lot of new funding.
Tomas Kjellqvist:
One experience from the SAREC programme for Swedish researchers is, as
Staffan mentioned, that 50 per cent of the grants go to PhD students.
The rest goes mostly to senior researchers not to the young researchers.
The reason is that we often get applications from PhD students in their
final year, just before their dissertation. They are writing the application
at the same time as they are writing their dissertation. This is not very
good, it is rarely a good application, and it fails to get funding. The
young researchers get discouraged and never come back to SAREC. This is
something we have noticed from our side, the problem is we have to do
something, some special things for the post-docs. But we are not quite
sure about what it should look like. One idea, that has been going through
my mind for some time, is that maybe, what you need as a young researcher
is the possibility to get out of your department. Just like ordinary post-docs
going to USA or Australia, you should spend some time in let us say India,
in an international organisation, or wherever is relevant for your research.
Maybe this is one thing SASNET could consider, what kind of such linkages
could be made.
Staffan Lindberg:
Somebody in this conference said that he or she got a STINT
scholarship to India, and it was fairly easy because all the people who
ask for STINT grants want to go to Western Europe or the United States.
Was it you, Christer?
Christer Norström:
I did not say I got it, but it has, at least in the anthropology
department in Stockholm, for the last two years been quite common
to get STINT scholarship to a university outside Sweden. What STINT people
said, when they presented their programme in a meeting this year, was
that for those who apply for a third world country they would get it much
easier, because most of us apply for a university in the US, UK or Australia.
They want to put more money into that way.
Can I also add one thing. One problem here is if we do not get that money
after bringing out your thesis. It is in a sense a very formative year,
because many of us are, at that point of time, usually in a very tricky
situation. We know that the money from research funds is usually not enough,
so we have already started working, teaching, and so on. So there is a
tendency to grab whatever is available, and then you lose that person
to another subject where there are more opportunities.
Staffan Lindberg:
But there is an opening, with STINT and the Linnaeus Palme money, which
should not be under-estimated. Exactly because they are interested in
non-American, non-Western environments, or for going there.
Björn Hettne:
Regarding STINT I think they have a bias against South Asia, so one long
term project should be to change the STINT consciousness of the World,
so that they realise that South Asia is a very important area of the World.
And regarding promoting research it is important that SASNET is a not
an ordinary council of research panel, saying this is good, this is not.
It is important to follow up even those who are not supported, because
they may have good ideas and they can come back later on. It is very important
for SASNET to promote research that is different.
Staffan Lindberg:
Help and promote! Not just sitting there and saying no.
Björn Hettne:
Yes, that is the difference between SASNET and other organisations.
Then Pamela and I discussed the Nordic connection. In Peace studies,
in Development studies, South Asian studies, etc, I have always said that
the natural borders are Nordic. You have colleagues in Oslo, Copenhagen,
Roskilde, etc, and I think it is very artificial to have just a Swedish
network. Somehow we have to overcome that particular apporach, that the
money can not be used for Norwegian purposes and so on. We should try
to promote the Nordic process.
When we had a conference with research students I reminded you of the
training centres in South East Asia, they have a very intensive one-week
supervision, where they present their plans, and then there are some senior
people to comment on these. South Asian researchers need to get out of
their quite isolated environments.
Finally in the long term STINT now also funds this South East Asia programme
for research training. The next step could be to get it connected with
a South Asia programme of a similar kind. So we have a number of long
term objectives for SASNET.
Staffan Lindberg:
I have been networking a lot with Jon Sigurdsen, who has built
up this new programme on East and South East Asia. He came to me to discuss
how to go about this, how to network. We have met several times, exchanged
our plans and I thought the best thing I could do was to help him as much
as possible. If he is successful, maybe he can also be generous enough
to give some support to us later. We could have a meeting with the Tercentenary
Foundation and STINT, backed by let us say the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Sida/SAREC and the Swedish Research councils, and discuss the
development of a similar programmes for South Asia.
I will ask the SASNET board tomorrow if I should spend some time on this
during the fall. I would very much like to do it, because this is something
I have been thinking of ever since the day Jon Sigurdsen called me more
than one year ago. So I think we have the chance. It might be difficult
for various reasons, but we have a good chance in the future. And that
could be very important for promoting area studies, and maybe even post-docs.
Pamela Price:
With reference to what both Bo and Björn have said
about post-docs, it is important to see that in human terms they have
put a powerful investment in a long project but now they see that it is
maybe coming to an end. They do not know if they will ever get any tenured
job, and if they have a lecturer's positions they do not get any opportunity
to do research. Also in terms of society to use the resources, the skills
they have developed, to encourage them and try to continue in some fashion.
It think it would be a very perfect idea to keep track of post-docs, who
do not get funding and try to plan workshops for them, as a way for them
to maintain their morale, and keep them encouraged. Even in terms of say
writing one article out of their material, just to keep alive with the
possibility of keeping this very special part of their lives actual for
them. Maybe, if they can publish themselves regularly, perhaps they will
be able to find jobs later on, when the rest of us are all retiring and
there are more positions available. Putting energy and focus to try and
help maintain them and keep their skills going is a very important thing
to do.
Zulfiqar Bhutta:
It has been very interesting to have the perspective from Swedish academics
in terms of how you use SASNET or to work. It may also be helpful to take
the converse view; what would be the usefulness of a network like this,
for academicians based in South Asia. What role would SASNET be able to
fulfil and offer for people involved within either the public of private
sector or in a variety of disciplines. I do not think just being able
to display a logo on your web site or on your department, you know badges
attractive or not. The whole variety of options from what you display
has to be more substantial than that. I look upon this as there are maybe
three opportunities for which SASNET could be able to provide a useful
First as a repository of information, and a link to people involved in
South Asian studies that may be relevant for your area of work. That would
be an extremely important role. There is not a whole lot of information
under a single umbrella or within one platform available now. Just to
be able to access that in a Swedish or Scandinavian context would be very
Secondly the unique nature of SASNET, as I understood, was the opportunity
for multi-disciplinarity within it. Which again is unique. Certainly it
is, speaking from a public health point of view, very rare to find groups
of such a multi-disciplinarity nature, and I think that if you can capitalise
upon that in terms of linkages and opportunities for research within South
Asia, that would be extremely attractive option for people to reach out
to you.
Lastly, there is no question that a project, and certainly a multi-disciplinary
project, is an attractive way of not only getting credibility in a relatively
short term, but also on building upon something solid with a possibility
of an impact globally. Speaking about South Asia very broadly, there is
a real need for that, in terms of doing something visible, important in
the short term, which is truly of a multi-disciplinary nature. First rate
research requires linkages with academic organisations within South Asia.
If you can come up with a cogent list of projects that can be developed
in the next few years, for which you may not necessarily have funding,
you can certainly reach out and get funding from organisations that are
willing to give such. That would be extremely useful.
As a last point, I think that from a academic centre point of view, while
it is important that post-docs and doctoral students get involved, the
general need in South Asia is to have academicians of a higher standing
and experience, who have been involved in different disciplines such as
social sciences and humanities, also to link up with academic centres
out there. It is not that every role and need is going to be filled with
young doctoral students. There is a need for academic centres and experience,
not only for those who got mud on their shoes, to be involved or linked
to people out there. So there is an enormous window of opportunity here
and SASNET can provide that.
Jan Lundquist:
A comment on multi-disciplinarity. Obviously it is an attractive, and
in some cases, a new thing. But we have to go one step further, and ask
ourselves: To what purpose? It is logical to start with the question:
What are the issues that we want to do research on or deal with? And based
on that we define which combination of disciplinary competence that would
be required in order to deal with it most efficiently. Because inter-disciplinarity
or multi-disciplinarity, as I see it, is not something which has its right
on its own. But there are issues, both in society as well as in the natural
world, which fall between the disciplinary chairs, so to speak. We should
identify those which we have an interest in, develop policy arenas. If
you want to combine people with that type of competence you could really
make a contribution to attack rather important issues. So I think it is
how you start with the problems in a way, then you define what are the
additional competence or combination of competence needed. It might take
one year or three months, but a lot of different combinations. Then you
must decide how to organise, which are the meeting-places, what are the
Another thing, which has been discussed during the last two days, concerns
the question of how to communicate. What is the output, to whom are we
addressing the results that are coming out of the work. This is for me
an interesting question. We could have a dialogue both in terms of the
combination of the questions as well as regarding the communication of
the results. We talked yesterday briefly about the media for instance,
the different channels of bringing the message across. It might broaden
the discussion. To me inter-disciplinarity is not something in its own
right. It has a right if it can deal with the central problems, which
are not dealt with in the confines of established mono-disciplines.
Boel Billgren:
A few small remarks. First on the question of education. If we in 56
years from now want to have a number of PhD students who choose the more
difficult part of South Asian studies, it means a radical change. We must
also remember to introduce a South Asia awareness in under-graduate education,
at the very latest when the students are in the mid-part of their studies.
They should be exposed to the different aspects of South Asia, in the
subjects that they are majoring in or in some special seminars or groups.
It is too late to recruit excellent PhD students in larger numbers if
we do not think of under-graduate education. It is very important that
the students gets exposed to this.
What you are doing in Karlstad with regard to school teachers is very
important. That is why Swedish school-children know more about India than
about some African countries, because there is a tradition in the Swedish
schools to bring in some of the countries in the Third world, into the
awareness of young children. We have to think in the same way, with regard
to our students' education. That will give results with regard to the
tendency to choose or include South Asia in PhD studies, and create some
kind of identity. SASNET, and every university, can support the keeping
and sustaining of an identity of a person committed to this even if you
are not lucky enough to study this for a while, but then you can come
back more easily. Of course you should use the Linnaeus
Palme programme much more than has been the case regarding to India.
We have only one out of 15 applications at Lund university which is about
exchange with India, and it is rather similar to the situation all over.
Something that SASNET can do to is to stimulate and support teachers who
are interested to go into this field.
I want to connect this to the question of visibility. In many respects
this is very important for the development of SASNET, to be visible not
only in the traditional ways, that you as researchers are used to make
yourselves understood, but also in new and different ways. I think about
how we reach the students to encourage interest in the future, but also
for the money-givers. I doubt this logo idea - we have covered that far
in the marketing of universities in Sweden, I do not know about Norway.
We are mature, if you want to call it that, with regard to visibility
and the mechanisms of outside society, we are quite used to it. Maybe
the links to the teachers, both with regard to students, information and
to the visibility and creation of opportunities should be strengthened.
Regarding the EU funding. I think it is worth thinking about, because
right now the commission is formulating EU-India projects, etc, so Staffan
will really have an opportunity to find out what is going to be there
in the programmes. And it will probably be more than once. We also have
some very good contacts through the head of International
Office who has been working with the EUChina
programme. So we should use these available channels at different
universities and we should also remember that, although, there is a certain
amount of bureaucracy in the EU applications, Sweden is now bringing in
much more money from the EU than we as a state are putting into the European
Union funds for research. Swedish researchers are very good at taking
home funding from the EU. In our group we have Rajni who has been successful
in being involved in several EU projects. Learn from your colleagues who
have been successful.
Staffan Lindberg:
We are coming to a close in the discussion in a few minutes. There are
many things we have not been able to cover in this discussion. But we
have covered a lot over two days, like this balancing of outsider and
insider views, for example, things that are very important, about a dialogue,
and also how to relate to different universities in different countries
on different topics and political ideologies, in a situation of conflict.
If you can think of something, which should have been said, it would be
nice to round up with that, but now I give the word to Zulfiqar.
Zulfiqar Bhutta:
I want to very specifically address the issue that Jan raised.
In terms of being specific in projects and I give you a very concrete
example where an approach such as the one you have heard about
during the last two days is extremely important. Micronutrient malnutrition
is a hugely important issue in a South Asian context. As I briefly pointed
out yesterday childhood malnutrition is widely prevalent, and that is
a situation that has not changed over the years.
The additional answer from development agencies involved in health has
been largely to go in with a quick fix, single magic bullet solution;
take a pill and that takes care of it, or take a supplement and that takes
care of it. Whereas if you go at a community level, particularly in agrarian
rural societies, they are more interested in terms of what you can offer
them in the form of solutions, which are largely agricultural, within
theie own eco-system. It also requires communication, strategies and educational
opportunities for communities that development agencies do not necessarily
have an answer for. So it is a wonderful example of where the multi-disciplinarity
of approaches, both classic public health, agriculture, water conservation,
communication and behavioural sciences would come together with an intervention
that would eventually make an impact in an area where there has been absolutely
no change at all for three decades.
Staffan Lindberg:
In a sense I think you can formulate this in relation to what JanLundqvist said. It is quite obvious that the people who are now
making SASNET here, also those who have built it and those who are active,
they all would like to promote good research in exactly these fields.
We would like to break this tendency or habit of giving pills against
poverty, in favour of programmes in agriculture, industry, services
which together will work to reduce poverty. Now there is a very
clear mandate in this network, and that is to promote South Asian studies,
and I would think that several groups of people can think out the best
themes. The best themes will be defined by our best researchers. We have
a good competence in Water, with Jan Lundqvist and his associates. We
have a very good competence in Luleå, in metallurgical studies and
education, that is why they can develop a programme. We have this fantastic
experience from the Pakistani project, in which you Zulfiqar have
been involved along with your colleague in Göteborg, Lars Å
Somebody told me the other day, you should think about what will happen
in South Asia in the next 10-20 years, and then you should come up with
some programmes that fit this scenario. But I think we should trust our
very competent researchers in common property analysis, in social capital,
in political science, economics and so many other fields, with a lot of
experience and skills in doing research. They can best formulate the research
programmes to promote South Asian studies here. So build on what we have
and develop that first, before we try to promote new things.
Anders Närman:
What I am going to say is partly related to undergraduate studies, but
also relevant to research. Why do we make these tours going down to countries
in the South with courses and so on? I have during 20 years sent somewhere
between 350400 students to Africa, and I have also had 200 MFS students
during the years on projects. Why are we doing this? Is it only because
we want to teach about Africa or about India? I think that is not the
right answer, because to do this also means learning something about Sweden
and the European society, our part in a global society. Just like the
courses in international medicine in Göteborg are not planned because
they want to train doctors to go to India or Africa, but because they
want to be better doctors at home.
This kind of aspect has possibly not come through in that way before.
We take students to Africa, they get a better understanding when they
come home about what goes on in Sweden, from an African or Indian perspective
with another way of thinking. It is quite a valuable thing to be there,
maybe not because you have a purpose of going back to India, to Africa,
etc, even if many of them do it. I do not know how many of them are around
in the corridors of Sida, of the 350400 students I sent out.
The purpose is also to get a better understanding, that is the internationalisation
aspect considered to be extremely important in Sweden. Somehow I think
this can also very much be related to the research side, that we can have
this kind of exchange. One thing that struck me when Rana P B Singh
brought up democracy, you reacted against what he said. It clearly shows
that there is a difference in the understanding of what the word democracy
stands for. It would be an important research project, how do we understand
the concept of democracy compared to how Rana understands it and what
he puts into the concept. Such a thing could be very well developed into
a research project, just how we understand words. And the network is probably
the best way of working with it, you do not need so much field work as
networking, and we should try to understand certain concepts that are
central to development in various parts of the World.
Bo Lindblad:
It is interesting that we have just started at Karolinska a global medical
course, which is optional. Still around 75 per cent of the students take
that course, and some of the students later on come back to us as teachers.
In at least two cases we have been able to organise Minor Field studies
for them. So there is a great interest among Swedish students to get this
Anders Närman:
Just one thing more: The University of Oslo has got something that I
do not think we have anywhere in Sweden. That is an
international summer school, for students combining Norwegian students
and students from Third world countries. They have got NORAD
scholarships for this. This mix of students for a six-weeks programme,
which is not very expensive apart from the fact that the cost of living
in Norway is very high. That is a kind of course that could be promoted
if you want to support doctoral students from the South, or even post-doctoral
students. This course in Oslo has been going on for the last 13 years,
and I have had students there (as the course leader for international
development studies) who are at the level just before or just after their
PhD. I think that mixture of understanding is very good.
Peter B Andersen:
I want to tell you about something, which is not directly about research
but more indirect, a research base creation, which is also part of SASNET
since it is supported by SASNET. A Nordic Centre is now being established
in India, we have got a flat in Delhi and a director appointed. Still
we have not got the final permission, so we can not advertise about it
on the Internet but you can approach Gunilla Gren-Eklund or Björn
Hettne here in Sweden, who are members of the board, and let them
put you in contact with the centre. Gunilla and Stig Toft-Madsen
will on a SASNET grant go to India in November and try to identify mostly
language courses and other kinds of university courses which could be
used for Swedish and Nordic scholars. One thing to study will be Hindi.
Staffan Lindberg:
This should of course be mentioned. It is a typical example of connecting
people. If we can connect researchers and teachers with this Nordic Centre
it can be filled with a content, both from here and from the Indian/South
Asian side.
SASNET - Swedish South Asian Studies Network/Lund
Address: Scheelevägen 15 D, SE-223 63 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 222 73 40
Webmaster: Lars Eklund
Last updated